FIRST THING: Last batch of Macbook shortcuts

Week 3: Boss Level, cool stuff to try and add to your toolbox

Key CombinationWhat it Does
⌘ + DBookmark the current page. Remember to sign in to Chrome on your Mac to sync your bookmarks with other devices.
Ctrl + ⌘ + FToggles in and out of FullScreen mode. Great to use when giving a presentation
⌘ + Shift + TReopen previously closed tabs in the order they were closed. I love this one. I keep a lot of tabs open and often accidentally close a tab when trying to jump to it. This is sort of like undo for Chrome tabs
I am a spreadsheet nut, so I had to include a full section that is Google Sheets Specific – This site has way more where these came from
Shift + SpacebarSelects the active range of cells in a given row. Keep holding the Shift key and hit Spacebar a second time to select the entire row
Ctrl + SpacebarDoes the exact same for columns
⌘ + Option + =Inserts cells based on the current selection (inserts entire row(s) or column(s) if selected). If you select just a few cells, it will prompt you to Move cells Down or Right
⌘ + Option + –Deletes cells based on the current selection (deletes entire row(s) or column(s) if selected). If you select just a few cells, it will prompt you to Move cells Up or Left
Fn + F2Edits the current cell

SECOND THING: Google Calendar Tips & Tricks

Here are some ways to use and configure Google Calendar that you may not know:

  • Set your Working Hours. So recently Google updated the Working Hours feature on Google Calendar and pushed default Working Hours to everyone. Due to someone at Google being a huge Dolly Parton fan, everyone’s Working Hours were set from 9 to 5. To change this setting, from the Google Calendar page, click on the Settings gear icon and click on Working Hours on the left.
  • Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts:
    • Change your view with a single keystroke (from the main Calendar page hit following keys to see what it says)
      • Hit “t” – Returns to Today from any screen/date within your calendar.
      • Hit “g” – Go to a specific date within your calendar. Hitting “g” brings up a search box and you can type in any date to jump directly to that day.
      • Hit the following Keys to change between the most common Calendar View screens
        • 1 or d – Single Day View
        • 2 or w – Week View
        • 3 or m – Month View
        • 4 or x – Custom View (default is the next 4 days, but you can change this in Settings)
        • 5 or a – Agenda View

THIRD THING: GoGuardian – Deep Dive for Teachers

A few quick things you can do with GoGuardian to maximize its impact in your classroom. I know most of you use GoGuardian regularly and you may know some of the cool things it can do to help you run a tech-infused classroom more easily. Here are some of the basics as well as some advanced tips to get the most out of GoGuardian. One thing to keep in mind, you are welcome to create classrooms as described in these resources, but currently we do have all of your classes auto-syncing and populating using a sync tool called Clever. So you should not have to create your core classes within GoGuardian. More on Clever in future issues.

  • Great Overview – GoGuardian Teacher Training PDF
  • GoGuardian Teacher Commands – this article explains the individual and group commands you can do to your entire class or specific students, including locking screens, launching and closing tabs, and taking screenshots of what your student is viewing.

Getting Started with GoGuardian Teacher YouTube Playlist – If you prefer to learn from videos, these provide a great overview of all the core features

By mdeegan

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